Idea Sharing Archive

Welcome to the Business of Shared Leadership blog! This weekly installment features thought-provoking posts and discussions about inspired leadership topics, authored by Kevin Hancock.

We all adhere to a belief system
Below is Whisper #17 from my latest book, 48 WHISPERS, which is a collection of photographs and personal meditations created across a decade of travel to the Pine Ridge Indian…
Listening is for understanding, not judgement
Below is Whisper #16 from my latest book, 48 WHISPERS, which is a collection of photographs and personal meditations created across a decade of travel to the Pine Ridge Indian…
There are a lot of ways to lose your voice in this world
Below is Whisper #15 from my latest book, 48 WHISPERS, which is a collection of photographs and personal meditations created across a decade of travel to the Pine Ridge Indian…
Leadership Restraint is about Sharing Power
Below is Whisper #14 from my latest book, 48 WHISPERS, which is a collection of photographs and personal meditations created across a decade of travel to the Pine Ridge Indian…
Leadership Overreach Has Consequences
Below is Whisper #13 from my latest book, 48 WHISPERS, which is a collection of photographs and personal meditations created across a decade of travel to the Pine Ridge Indian…
Everything travels in a circle
Below is Whisper #11 from my latest book, 48 WHISPERS, which is a collection of photographs and personal meditations created across a decade of travel to the Pine Ridge Indian…
Division is a big business
Below is Whisper #10 from my latest book, 48 WHISPERS, which is a collection of photographs and personal meditations created across a decade of travel to the Pine Ridge Indian…
Separateness is an illusion
Below is Whisper #9 from my latest book, 48 WHISPERS, which is a collection of photographs and personal meditations created across a decade of travel to the Pine Ridge Indian…
Mitakuye Oyasin
Below is Whisper #8 from my latest book, 48 WHISPERS, which is a collection of photographs and personal meditations created across a decade of travel to the Pine Ridge Indian…
Humans are a part of nature, not above it. 
Below is Whisper #7 from my latest book, 48 WHISPERS, which is a collection of photographs and personal meditations created across a decade of travel to the Pine Ridge Indian…
In Nature, Power Is Dispersed
Below is Whisper #6 from my latest book, 48 WHISPERS, which is a collection of photographs and personal meditations created across a decade of travel to the Pine Ridge Indian…
We Must Become the Change We Seek
Below is Whisper #5 from my latest book, 48 WHISPERS, which is a collection of photographs and personal meditations created across a decade of travel to the Pine Ridge Indian…
We Are the Truth We Seek to Know
Below is Whisper #4 from my latest book, 48 WHISPERS, which is a collection of photographs and personal meditations created across a decade of travel to the Pine Ridge Indian…
What Brings You Here?
Below is Whisper #3 from my latest book, 48 WHISPERS, which is a collection of photographs and personal meditations created across a decade of travel to the Pine Ridge Indian…
Cross-Cultural Connectivity is Reunifying
Below is Whisper #2 from my latest book, 48 WHISPERS, which is a collection of photographs and personal meditations created across a decade of travel to the Pine Ridge Indian…
This is the Seventh Generation
Below is Whisper #1 from my latest book, 48 WHISPERS, which is a collection of photographs and personal meditations created across a decade of travel to the Pine Ridge Indian…
48 Whispers: An Introduction
The following is the introduction to my third book, 48WHISPERS From Pine Ridge and the Northern Plains.  Please enjoy. As a teenager our family took a vacation to the Grand Tetons….
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Kick off 2023 by reflecting on these questions…
In October of this year I had the honor of giving the keynote address at the LBM STRATEGIES conference in Denver.  The 50-minute talk was video recorded, and I…
ONE More Time . . .
“Is not the sky a father and the earth a mother, and are not all living things with feet or wings or roots their children?” —Black Elk “The Divine…
Who’s at War?
“To get people out of their misery, out of this genocide, that is the main reason, the motive and purpose of the military operation that we began in Donbas…